Quartz Countertops: The Pros and Cons

Hey there, kitchen enthusiasts! Let's talk countertops. Specifically, let's talk about quartz countertops. I know, I know, Dekton gets all the love these days. But have you ever stopped to think about quartz? It’s solid, dependable, and always there to make your life a little bit better.

So, if you’re weighing your options for your new countertops, let’s dive into the pros and cons of quartz countertops. Who knows, you might just find your new kitchen best friend. So let’s dive in your 101 quartz countertops buying guide.

The Pros of Quartz Countertops

First off, let's talk about the positives. And believe me, there are plenty.

Durability and Hardness

Quartz countertops are like the Superman of surfaces. They are made from one of the hardest minerals on earth. Scratch-resistant? You betcha. Quartz is engineered to withstand the rigors of daily kitchen life, scoring a whopping 7 on the Mohs hardness scale. That means your countertops can take a beating without showing a scratch – unless you're trying to chop your veggies directly on them, which, by the way, is a terrible idea for both your knives and your countertops. Use a cutting board, people!

Non-Porous Surface

One of the greatest things about quartz countertops is that they are non-porous. What does that mean? Well, unlike granite, quartz doesn’t need to be sealed. Ever. It’s like that friend who never seems to age – always looking good without any effort. The non-porous nature of quartz means it’s highly resistant to stains, making it an excellent choice for kitchens and bathrooms. No more worrying about spilled wine or coffee leaving a permanent mark. Just wipe it off, and you’re good to go.

Consistent Appearance

You know how granite slabs can vary wildly in appearance? Sometimes that’s charming, and sometimes it’s just a hassle. With quartz, what you see is what you get. The patterns and colors are consistent throughout the slab. This means you can achieve a more uniform look, which is great if you're going for a sleek, modern aesthetic. Plus, there’s a wide range of colors and styles to choose from. Whether you want a clean white look or something with a bit more pizazz, quartz has got you covered.

Low Maintenance

If you’re like me, you don’t want to spend your weekends maintaining countertops. You want to be doing more important things, like binge-watching your favorite shows or perfecting your stand-up routine. Quartz countertops are low maintenance. They don’t need to be sealed, and cleaning them is a breeze. Just a little soap and water, and you’re done. No special cleaners, no fuss. It’s almost like they clean themselves. Almost.


And for those of you who are eco-conscious, here’s a bonus point. Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals on earth, and many quartz countertops are made with recycled materials. So, you can feel good about your purchase, knowing you’re making a sustainable choice. It’s like giving Mother Nature a high five.

The Cons of Quartz Countertops

Of course, nothing is perfect, not even our dear friend quartz. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Heat Sensitivity

Quartz is tough, but it has its kryptonite – heat. Unlike natural and sintered stones such as granite and dekton, quartz countertops can be damaged by excessive heat. Placing a hot pan directly on the surface can cause discoloration or even cracking. So, always use trivets or hot pads.

Scratch Sensitivity

While quartz is highly scratch-resistant, it’s not completely scratch-proof. Sharp tools and metals can still leave marks if you’re not careful. So, just like with heat, it’s a good idea to use cutting boards and avoid dragging heavy, sharp objects across the surface.


Now, let's talk money. Quartz countertops are not the cheapest option out there. They are a premium product, and that quality comes with a price tag. However, considering their durability and low maintenance, many people find them to be a worthwhile investment. It’s like buying a really good suit. Sure, it costs more upfront, but it lasts longer and looks great for years.


Quartz countertops are heavy. Really heavy. This means that the installation process can be tricky and definitely requires professionals. It also means that your cabinets need to be able to support the weight. So, if you’re planning on a DIY kitchen makeover, you might want to think twice about installing quartz countertops yourself.

Limited Outdoor Use

Planning an outdoor kitchen? You might want to consider a different material. Quartz doesn’t hold up well to prolonged exposure to sunlight. The UV rays can cause the colors to fade over time. So, for outdoor spaces, granite or another material might be a better choice.

Should You Buy Quartz?

Absolutely! Quartz countertops offer a fantastic combination of beauty, durability, and low maintenance. They are perfect for anyone looking to upgrade their kitchen or bathroom with a high-quality, stylish surface.

If you’re ready to transform your space, Granite au Sommet is the place to go. We manufacture, distribute, install, and repair a variety of countertops, including quartz. Our team of experts is here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services. Still have questions, check out our FAQ.

Contact Us

Whether you're set on quartz or still weighing your options, Granite au Sommet is here to help. Get in touch with us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Your dream kitchen is just a call away!

And there you have it, folks. Quartz countertops – the good, the bad, and the beautiful. Now, go forth and make your kitchen dreams come true!


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